The ComActivate project, funded through the LIFE Programme and coordinated by Habitat Europe and Middle East, will develop and demonstrate solutions for MFABs that reduce energy poverty, enhance energy security and bring building emissions in line with 2050 climate targets.

EPBD.wise is a LIFE Programme project which will provide direct support for the comprehensive implementation of the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (EPBD) in six focus countries (Bulgaria, Greece, Hungary, Poland, Romania and newly appointed EU accession candidate, Ukraine).

The project comes at a crucial time for Europe’s building and climate policy, coming on the heels of the recent deal on the revised EPBD. Focus now moves to implementation, which is where EPBD.wise is part of the solution.

The consortium will build a replicable model to support the widespread implementation of new or strengthened measures in the EPBD revision, including the new zero-emission building standard, national building renovation plans, renovation passports, energy performance certificates, and minimum energy performance standards across Europe.

To provide useful support to national governments, the consortium will develop guidelines on how to design new policies and instruments, measure their effectiveness (monitoring, reporting and policy evaluation) and meet EU and national needs and objectives.

EPBD.wise will run for three years and will gather expertise from a variety of organisations across Europe. It will be coordinated by TU Wien, with the following project partners: