Knowledge Hub
Explore our extensive library of resources for the latest knowledge related to energy performance of buildings.
Lagrande Solution has an extensive publications library.
Use the filter option to search publications by year, type, country, keywords or language.
Building back better: 6 investment criteria to drive a sustainable reconstruction of Ukraine’s built environment
EU Buildings Climate Tracker: A call for faster and bolder action
Overcoming Financial and Market Barriers to Positive Energy Neighbourhoods
Regulierung der Lebenszyklus-THG-Emissionen von Gebäuden – Empfehlungen für Deutschland
Energy efficiency in green recovery – Best practices and opportunities for Ukraine
Minimum standards, maximum impact: How to design fair and effective minimum energy performance standards
EPBD: Crunch time for future-proof buildings legislation
Policy recommendations for sustainable plus energy neighbourhoods and buildings
Buildings data and tools
Lagrande Solution contributes, and has contributed, to the development of several tools within the framework of EU-funded projects and more.